Lower Body Workout Routines

Isometric Training – Sunshine Pop Workout

Posted by on May 8, 2012 in Exercises & Workouts, Lower Body Workout Routines | 156 comments

Isometric Training – Sunshine Pop Workout

Hi Everyone,

Today I have another fun lower body workout which includes isometric training in the first part of the routine. As you know if order for our body to keep progressing we have to switch the style of our training all the time, because our body adopts to training very fast if we don’t change it, we will hit plateau, that can be frustrating. This routine will throw your body for a loop!

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Stellar Shape Workout

Posted by on May 1, 2012 in Exercises & Workouts, Lower Body Workout Routines | 53 comments

Stellar Shape Workout

Hi everyone,

I’m back with another lower body workout!!! Last week I switched up my training a bit and I only did bodyweight workouts, so this week I was ready to get back to some heavier lifting. In order for us NOT to hit training plateau we absolutely need to switch the style of our workouts periodically. That will throw your body out for a loop and will help you keep progressing. ( Some food for training thought 😉 )

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Bodyweight Only Workout

Posted by on Apr 19, 2012 in Exercises & Workouts, Lower Body Workout Routines | 125 comments

Bodyweight Only Workout

Hello my beautiful lovelies 🙂

Today’s routine workout routine was focused on the lower body and it was a requested routine with no equipment and bodyweight only :). Don’t fear for your life, it’s gonna be tough but very doable :). This type of routine would be perfect if you are gonna travel and can’t bring along any equipment, and sometimes it’s just good to switch it up and not use any equipment.

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Get Your Perfect Body Workout

Posted by on Apr 12, 2012 in Lower Body Workout Routines, Workout Routines | 90 comments

Get Your Perfect Body Workout

Hello my beautiful creatures :),

I have another lower body workout routine for you. Since we are preparing for the summer we should all do 10-15 minutes of cardio after our workouts, this will really help us to get that super lean look ( for those of you who wants it of course ). But as you already know just working out is not enough, proper nutrition is definitely 80% of your results ( notice how I don’t use the word diet, cause I don’t like that word, the first 3 letters spell out death, LOL ).

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HIT – Bikini Ready Butt Workout

Posted by on Apr 6, 2012 in Lower Body Workout Routines, Workout Routines | 66 comments

HIT – Bikini Ready Butt Workout

Hello friends :),

I hope you are having a wonderful week, I have a lower body routine in the style of high intensity training, and it’s very fun, it will also kick your butt! This routine is a follow up to ” Upper Body Bootcamp Workout “. We’ve been doing a lot of circuits lately, so it’s time to do a little more interval training. I used a bit of longer intervals because we all know how important it is to switch up your training all the time, you don’t want your body to get use to doing the same thing over and over.

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Lower Body Workout – Shake Your Sexy Tail

Posted by on Mar 31, 2012 in Exercises & Workouts, Lower Body Workout Routines | 86 comments

Lower Body Workout – Shake Your Sexy Tail

Hi Everyone,

I have a new lower body routine 🙂 and it is a follow up to the ” Upper Body I Won’t Give Up Workout “. This routine didn’t come easy to me, because I didn’t get much sleep and I wanted to make all of the excuses in the world not to workout, so I turned to my motivator – the picture of Anna Kournikova! It just does something to me, when I see a picture of Anna I want to workout!

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HIIT Bikini Ready Body Workout – Lower Body Routine

Posted by on Mar 26, 2012 in Lower Body Workout Routines | 36 comments

HIIT Bikini Ready Body Workout – Lower Body Routine

Hi, Everyone

I am here to bring you another butt kicking lower body workout. This workout was divided into 4 parts. The part is focused on legs, the second part is focused only on booty, the third part is focused on legs and booty and the last and final part is card and calves. Of course I don’t have to remind you that we are also using our core in every single exercise so make sure you stay tuned after the workout to watch the recap where I go over the proper form as well as beginner variations.

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HIIT And Circuit Training – Pure Torture Workout ( Lower Body )

Posted by on Mar 21, 2012 in Exercises & Workouts, Lower Body Workout Routines, Workout Routines | 54 comments

HIIT And Circuit Training – Pure Torture Workout ( Lower Body )

Hi Everyone,

Today’s workout was focused on the lower body and it was a mix between super high intensity interval training cardio, strength training combo and bodyweight exercises. Bam right in the kisser! ( I just write how I talk LOL ). The first part of this routine was only 5 minutes and it was the HIIT cardio, which I gave the lovely name of ” Plyo Cardio From Hell “. Normally we do cardio after the strength training, but since we want to give our muscles a little bit of a shock I switched it up ;).

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Circuit Training – Tightest Booty Workout

Posted by on Mar 12, 2012 in Exercises & Workouts, Lower Body Workout Routines, Workout Routines | 34 comments

Circuit Training – Tightest Booty Workout

Hi Everyone,

Let me begin by saying – today’s workout falls into my top 3 workouts for the booty on Loving Fit. It was very tough, but most importantly it targeted those really hard to reach areas underneath your booty. The exercise follow in a specific order to get that maximum burn. This was a circuit training routine, and it is a follow up to ” Upper Body & Core – Let It Go Workout “.

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