Food Diary Wednesday

Every week I will be posting what I ate this Wednesday

Food Diary Wednesday 7

Posted by on Jan 10, 2013 in Food Diary Wednesday, Nutrition | 33 comments

Food Diary Wednesday 7

Hello My Sweets,

One more food diary log for me :). Today I barely had any appetite, had to literally force my self to eat. Yesterday I did this insane strength cardio workout, the name I gave it was ” Shock Cardio Workout “, we will be filming it on Saturday. OMG I am so sore today all I want to do is lay down and not move, but it’s all in a good way so don’t get scared ( Evil Face 🙂 ).

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Food Diary Wednesday 6

Posted by on Jan 3, 2013 in Food Diary Wednesday, Nutrition | 14 comments

Food Diary Wednesday 6

Hello My Lovies,

I’ve discovered the most amazing healthiest popcorn ever!!! Every time I go to a health food store I find more and more foods that I need to try, I am thinking about collecting all kind of new foods that I’ve recently discovered and share it with you on here on the blog. Another thing that I’ve discovered is the most amazing super duper natural organic and chemical free face and body cream, I wanted to share it with you in this post but then I’ve decided this amazing cream deserves it’s own post ( which is under 10 dollars by the way and I found it in my local store and the ingredients were the best I’ve ever seen in a cream ).

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Food Diary Wednesday 5

Posted by on Dec 27, 2012 in Food Diary Wednesday, Nutrition | 24 comments

Food Diary Wednesday 5

Hello my Sweets :),

Who was naughty for the holidays?  I was 🙂 and I hope you guys were as well.  OMG I was as naughty as it gets on Christmas Eve and on the actual Christmas day I went on a junk food rampage.  To be honest I feel pretty good about it, we all need to relax for the holidays and drop it like it’s hot.  We work so hard during the year and we eat so clean that it would be a sin if we didn’t stuff our faces when the holidays came around.  I ate so much in the last 3 days that today I took it easy because I still felt full from the previous day.

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