HIIT Bikini Ready Body Workout...

Mar 26, 2012 by

Hi, Everyone

I am here to bring you another butt kicking lower body workout. This workout was divided into 4 parts. The part is focused on legs, the second part is focused only on booty, the third part is focused on legs and booty and the last and final part is card and calves. Of course I don’t have to remind you that we are also using our core in every single exercise so make sure you stay tuned after the workout to watch the recap where I go over the proper form as well as beginner variations.

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HIIT And Circuit Training R...

Mar 21, 2012 by

Hi Everyone,

Today’s workout was focused on the lower body and it was a mix between super high intensity interval training cardio, strength training combo and bodyweight exercises. Bam right in the kisser! ( I just write how I talk LOL ). The first part of this routine was only 5 minutes and it was the HIIT cardio, which I gave the lovely name of ” Plyo Cardio From Hell “. Normally we do cardio after the strength training, but since we want to give our muscles a little bit of a shock I switched it up ;).

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Circuit Training – Tight...

Mar 12, 2012 by

Hi Everyone,

Let me begin by saying – today’s workout falls into my top 3 workouts for the booty on Loving Fit. It was very tough, but most importantly it targeted those really hard to reach areas underneath your booty. The exercise follow in a specific order to get that maximum burn. This was a circuit training routine, and it is a follow up to ” Upper Body & Core – Let It Go Workout “.

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Bubble Butt Workout – Ci...

Mar 9, 2012 by

Hi Everyone,

I hope you missed me :). My recovery week & active rest came to an end and I am back in action! Today’s workout was a complete insanity, I think maybe I should of taken a bit easier on my self since it was my first day back, but I am too stubborn so I went all out. This routine is focused on the lower body and butt, there was also an exercise for the core. This was a circuit training workout, and there were exactly 8 circuits. This workout took me a really long time to complete, so I am not gonna embarrass my self and share my time, but I am pretty sure you are going to beat me.

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Hot Tushie Workout – Low...

Mar 2, 2012 by

Hi Everyone,

Today’s workout was focused on the lower body – booty, legs, thighs and core, and it’s a follow up routine to ” The Gun Show Workout “. It’s been a while since I’ve done a good interval training workout, so I though today was the perfect day for it. This workout was only 24 minutes long, but it was a killer! Since it was full on resistance training I extended the rest interval just a bit, believe it or not 5 extra seconds makes a huge difference.

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399 Reps Workout – Lower...

Feb 27, 2012 by

Hi everyone,

Today’s workout was very simple and it was focused on the lower body and core. I’ve been doing a lot of really hard workouts lately and sometimes it’s good to do something with a bit of lower intensity for the sake of periodization. So I switched things up again, this way I will not hit plateau. There were only 3 exercises, 7 rounds and the total of 399 reps. But do not be fooled by it’s simplicity, this routine is still quite challenging and it is one of those which I call ” Will sneak up on you later on 😉 “, that means you will begin to feel sore few hours after you did the workout.

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