Side Lunge & Crane Exerci...

Jun 11, 2011 by

This exercise can be done by beginners and more advanced trainees as well.
It will give you a really great burn in front and back of your legs, and the second part of this exercise which I call The Crane will work your Glutes. It will also improve in your balance, it’s a lot more challenging than it looks.

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Twisted Jump Squat Exercise

Jun 9, 2011 by

This is a super cool exercise, it can be performed with or without a dumbbell. It works your Legs, Butt, Abs, Shoulders and Biceps all at the same time. It also works your coordination, which is really important in Fitness. What I love about working out, is that it can be really fun if you get creative with it.

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Walking Out Push Up Exercise

Jun 9, 2011 by

This is a really fun Bodyweight Exercise, I named it Walking Out Push Up because you are walking in to the actual Push – Up, and then you are walking back up.

Set a timer to count down 2 minutes, do the Walking Out Push – Up as fast as you can. This will give you great cardiovascular activity as well as strength training.

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Best Butt Prisoner Squat Exerc...

Jun 8, 2011 by

I tried this new exercise today, I’ve seen it done before without a Balance Ball ball, but I didn’t like the flow of the movement. Doing this squat with the Ball creates balanced support and places bigger tension on the back of your leg and butt, vs doing this squat without the Ball.

Since it’s best to work several muscle groups at once, by placing your hands behind your head you are working the back as well (this is where the Prisoner name comes from).

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All Around Plank Exercise

Jun 3, 2011 by

All around plank exercise is quite a challenge. This exercise if done correctly will make you sweat and give you a great burn. It works an incredible amount of muscle groups at once, builds great Upper Body Strength and Core Strength.

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Figure Skater Jump Exercise Pl...

Jun 2, 2011 by

This is one of my favorite exercises for shaping your Legs, Thighs and Glutes. When I was a skater we use to practice skater jumps on the ground to increase the height of our jump. This exercise is also great for balance and coordination. It can be categorized as Plyometrics.

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