Goat Milk Benefits Vs Cow̵...

Aug 16, 2011 by

I noticed that in US not a lot of people are accustomed to drinking goat milk, I am very surprised when I meet americans that drink it. It has a very unique taste when you first try it, but then you somehow grow to love it. I absolutely love goat milk and goat cheese.
After doing my research on goat milk, I found out that it is way more beneficial than cow’s milk, or any other milk there is. I don’t drink cow’s milk at all, I will get into the detail why I don’t later in this post.

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How To Recharge Your Positivit...

Aug 14, 2011 by

One of the biggest things that stopped me in my life before was negative thoughts. I think they are the cause for many people not to take action in their life. Once a little negative thought appears in our mind, it begins to grow and turn into a chain reaction. The longer you neglect the process, the harder it is to get rid of. I’ve been doing a couple of techniques that really help me nip those negative thoughts right in the bud before they get too comfortable in my head.

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Breakfast Of Athletes Recipe

Aug 13, 2011 by

This is a perfect recipe to switch up your morning routine. Normally I have a chicken omelette, banana and some berries as my breakfast. Today I wanted to switch it up so I made a high protein oatmeal breakfast.

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Sweat Ur Abs Off Workout

Aug 11, 2011 by

Today I did workout in a stappers manner circuit, where you set your time to count down, and you do as many cycles of the given exercises. Usually it’s best if you only do 3 to 4 exercises with not very high repetitions. This way you don’t completely hit muscle failure, but get a great burn.

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The Hottest Mess Workout

Aug 10, 2011 by

Today I did a jump rope HIIT routine. The whole workout is only 20 minutes long. I increased the resting interval a little more, I think by doing that it gives you a little more leverage to push through the max interval. This routine targets your whole body, but the main focus is on abs, legs and back.

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Abs Of Iron Workout

Aug 10, 2011 by

Today I did a really fun workout using an 8lb Medicine Ball. It was a circuit workout made up of 5 exercises. Using a medicine ball is very different then just using a dumbbell, because you can use half the weight but get a way more intense of a workout. I wrote about the incredible benefits of a medicine ball in one of my older posts.
As you can already tell by my body, I like to keep it lean and toned, but I don’t like to have bulky muscle, and the workouts that I do will give you just that.

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