Force Of Muscle Workout
Hello My Lovie-Dovies!
So happy to share another workout with you! This upper body circuit routine took me 35 minutes and 58 seconds to complete and it was very very hard, the good news is that it’s only 1 itsie-bitsie round :), but it was evil! I started out all nice and cheery, did all of the 50 Acro Spiderman Push-ups without a break, and by the 4th exercise my hands were shaking.
For all of you guys who was having a hard time with the One Leg Bridges and Superman holds in the Round Booty Challenge, I will show a variation at the beginning of the explanation video.
As always a warm-up is a must, and Proper Form is a workout religion, so practice it before beginning your routine. If you feel like you are losing form, take a break, don’t push though with bad form just so you can finish quicker.
Workout Explanation
In this routine, I was using my new pink Gymboss timer, a medicine ball ( the weight doesn’t matter, a chair and a Pull-Up bar
Set your timer as a stopwatch, complete the following in this order for only 1 round ( there are 30 wall climbers between each exercise ) :
- Acro-Spiderman Push-ups – 50 reps
- Wall Climbers – 30 reps
- Twisted Chair Dips – 50 reps
- Wall Climbers – 30 reps
- Pull-up & Leg Lifts ( neutral grip ) – 30 reps
- Wall Climbers – 30 Reps
- One Leg Shoulder Press on a Medicine Ball – 25reps/side
- Wall Climbers – 30 reps
- Stretching Cobra – 50 reps
After this routine I did Good Posture Challenge, and I did it twice cause it felt amazing. I didn’t do any cardio after the routine cause I was pretty tired, but as soon as I’m done writing this I will go for a 15 minute jog, it’s much cooler in the evening so a jog is perfect.
Since the Abs Challenge we did last month, I haven’t been doing any separate Abs workouts ( I know very naughty of me ) , but I will definitely do one tomorrow.
Have Fun Training!
PS – Here are the links to my latest articles, he put them out a bit later than usual cause he was on vacation:
” 15 Minute Workout – Is It For Everyone And Does It Work? ”
” The Maybe Easiest Way To Get Fit ”