Catwalk Body Workout
Hello My Lovie Dovies!!!
Don’t you just love how I keep coming up with new loving nick names for you guys :P. Today’s workout is an upper body routine and it’s a follow up to yesterday’s ” Booty Pop Siren Workout “. We are going to do this routine in the similar concept we did yesterday’s workout, and it’s gonna be about 20 minutes long.
Very Very important part of all the exercises is to always have proper form and push your self to the max.
Now, make sure you do a good warm-up, there should be no sound of cracking of any kind in any of your joints, if there are keep warming up.
Workout Explanation
Always Remember – Watch Your Form Not Your Timer! Stay tuned after the workout for proper form explanation and beginners variation.
In this video I tried to show you more full rounds without editing, so you can see how I hold my form throughout my training. But of course I had to edit just a little to cut the time in half so I will have enough time for explanations in Russian and English.
All you need in this routine is a Pull-Up bar, your Gymboss timer
and your Let’s Get This Done Attitude!
This routine is divided into 3 parts, all 3 parts are 5 minutes long and after each timed part we are gonna do 2 more exercises.
Part 1
Set your timer for 1 interval of 5 minutes. There is only one exercise, try to complete this exercise in GOOD FORM as many times as you can within the 5 minutes.
- Staggered Spiderina Push-Up
After your timer had beeped you will complete 2 more exercises:
- 6 Diamond Push-Ups
- Wall Climber Runner & Wall Climber 20 and 20 reps or 40 total
Part 2
Timer stays the same. This time there is 2 exercises and you will complete as many as you can within the 5 minute interval.
- 3 Pull-Ups ( unassisted on a way down )
- 6 Push-Back Push-Ups
After your timer had beeped you will complete 2 more exercises:
- 6 Diamond Push-Ups
- Wall Climber Runner & Wall Climber 20 and 20 reps or 40 total
Part 3
Your timer stays the same. There are also 2 exercises:
- Mountain Jump & One Leg Push-Off Push-Up Combo – 6 reps
Roll Over
- Back Lifts – 6 reps
After your timer had beeped you will complete 2 more exercises:
- 6 Diamond Push-Ups
- Wall Climber Runner & Wall Climber 20 and 20 reps or 40 total
After this I did 10 minutes of skipping and I am saving the ” Sharper Abs Challenge ” for later on tonight, cause this workout squeezed a lot out of me. I will also be doing my ” Full Body Stretching Routine” tonight as well.
My Scores:
Part one – I completed 27 Staggered Spiderina Push-Up
Part 2 – I completed 4 solid rounds and 3 more pull-ups
Part 3 – I completed 4 solid rounds and 3 push-offs, after the timer beeped I finished 3 more push-offs.
Have fun training my Lovies and have a beautiful weekend!
PS – My this week’s article on – ” Visualizing A Fitter You ”