Monday Mingle 28
Hello my Sweeties,
Happy Beautiful Monday!!! Welcome to the 28th edition of Monday Mingle, a question answer game we play every Monday to get to know each other better. Each week I ask 5 questions and we all get to answer them and mingle around.
This week’s quote ( a thought of my own ):
The old teachings state: ” Life is suppose to be hard, work is suppose to be hard, you’re not suppose to love your work, you’re suppose to tolerate because that’s what everyone does”. This is what I was taught when I was little, but I’ve lived to understand that this is completely wrong. Life isn’t suppose to be hard, it’s suppose to happy, work is suppose to be something that you love to do and it shouldn’t even feel like work. Everyone of us possess a talent, that is what we’re suppose to do. Things come easy or hard based on our beliefs, so whatever you believe in, you’re right either way. And most importantly I’ve lived to learn that we need to look at the world the same way we did when we were little children, with curiosity and positivity about everything.
Today’s Questions:
What is your favorite nutrition advice to lose weight ( that works for you )?
What is your favorite workout tip for weight loss ( that works for you )?
What do you do if you can’t sleep?
What is true confidence according to you?
If your friend is going through the hardest time of her or his life what words of wisdom would you give?
My Answers:
Q – What is your favorite nutrition advice to lose weight ( that works for you )?
My Answer:
My absolute favorite nutrition advice is DO NOT EAT 6-7 HOURS BEFORE BED TIME. I have never had a person tell me that they’ve tried this approach consistently and didn’t lose weight, NEVER. I’ve used this in my skating days, I use this now and it always works.
Q – What is your favorite workout tip for weight loss ( that works for you )?
My Answer:
My favorite workout for weight loss is a mix of HIIT cardio and light cardio after each strength training workout. I know that in the past 20 years or so there is a rumor going around that you don’t need to do long cardio sessions to lose weight and all you need is short HIIT sessions, but the truth is that HIIT sessions do help you to release fatty acids, but you need an additional light cardio to actually burn then, otherwise your body will redeposit it back.
Q – What do you do if you can’t sleep?
My Answer:
From time to time I have an insomnia problem and lately I’ve discovered a couple of things that help a lot. Deep breathing and listening to binaural beats. This combo will knock anyone out! You can find some really cool binaural beats music on youtube, the trick is to listen in your head phones because binaural beats have an effect on your brain. When I tried it the fist time I was hooked.
Q – What is true confidence according to you?
My Answer:
I think true confidence is many things, but to me true confidence is when you completely and surely know who you are and what you need to do without relying on opinions of others. If someone tells you that you look terrible, a person with true confidence could care less about such comments and will forget about it in a second. I also believe true confidence is when a person admits that they are not perfect and they have no problem to talk about their flaws.
Q – If your friend is going through the hardest time of her or his life what words of wisdom would you give?

My Answer:
At times like this I would never offer my advice unless I’m being asked, I think in every situation this applies ( at least for me ). But one of the best advices that I like to give is to always rely on your own intuition and listen to your heart only. Don’t ask for advice from others, that only confuses your own intuition, listen to your self, your true inner self, the inner self has all the answers.
Let’s mingle my Lovies!
Lot’s of Hugs,