Meet Me On Monday 5
Meet me on Monday is back! Every Monday Java from Never Growing Old blog host a fun meet up so we can all get to know each other a little better. She asks 5 usually fun and simple questions. I haven’t done the meet up in a while so I am really exited to start my monday with this way.

The Questions
1. The best part of waking up each day is __________?
2. How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are?
3. Red or Green Apples?
4. Do you forgive easily?
5. If you could live in any home on a television series, which would it be?
My answers!
The best part of waking up each day is my life!
I consider my self on of the luckiest person on the planet. I am very appreciative of my life, because I didn’t always had it easy. I grew up in Russia and in very difficult times, I’ve seen a lot of bad things in my life. I am young, but I feel like I’ve lived forever. When I first moved to USA I couldn’t believe how unappreciative some people were in this country, kids in school were so rude to their teachers, I was in shock!
Now I have a really good life, a very happy life and happy because I know how I use to have it, and how some people still live in this world, so I thank God for my blessings!
How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are?
I always want to be the age that I am at the moment. I think every year we add to our life is precious and counts. I would never want to go back and be younger, I feel like my life just gets better the older I get, I am much wiser than I ever was when I was younger.
Red or Green Apples?
I just happen to have red apple in my house, but I love all the apples just as long as they are organic and crispy :).
Do you forgive easily?
It depends, but I try. I think holding a grudge is very destructive to our spirit, and the only person that it harms is our selves. So no matter what, I always try to analyze the situation and understand people.
If you could live in any home on a television series, which would it be?
I think in this household I will never be bored!