Getting Back to My Fitness Studies

It’s already been a few month’s since I started my blog, and I have been so busy writing and creating that I completely forgot about my studies. As you probably already know, I am going to school to get a fitness trainer certification.
I first came to a realization that I wanted a fitness certification completely by accident. I had an epiphany of some sort, I was at work at my old job and all I did was look at the clock counting every second that went by. I felt like the time had stopped, ( the clock actually did break ) I was so miserable and irritated, and all I wanted to do is go home and workout. I couldn’t wait to take off my high heels and put on my adidas training shoes.
I finally did get home that night 🙂 and did my workout. It made me so freaking happy, even though I was exhausted. Later on that night I was writing in my diary and I kept thinking ” Isn’t life suppose to be about doing the things you love? Then why am I not doing it?” The idea of getting certified as a fitness instructor and creating a blog came at the same time. Writing is another passion of mine. I’ve been writing poems and proses for many years it’s just something I really love.
The next day I did some research and found a couple of options to get me certified, within a week I began my studying. It was pretty hard in the beginning and I was completely lost, but as with everything I somehow push my self further. Within a few months I got a call from my manager at work, she told me that the company is closing down it’s location and we’re all going to be out of job. She asked me if I was sad, and I kind of was, but I knew it was my exit strategy out of my old life.
I was really happy, It was my new beginning. And I wasn’t about to look back. I was done doing something I didn’t love. Life is way to short, and it’s about being happy, and doing what makes you happy. When everyone was saying their goodbyes and tearing up, I couldn’t wait to get out of there. It was time for me to start my blog and focus on my studying.
When I stepped my first foot into blogging ( which is still there, the first foot that is ), I knew nothing about what it was going to take. I just loved writing, creating and working out.
It turned out to be quite technical which I didn’t at the time prepared my self for. Things kept going wrong all over the place, and all I wanted was peacefully do my writing to connect with people and find great friends. Since I am a beginner at blogging, there is still plenty of technical things to figure out. But it doesn’t bother me so much because I am doing what I really love.
I don’t know where my adventure will take me, but I know that I am on the right path. For now I just have to take it one day at a time and focus on my studying.
Follow your thoughts and dreams, they will guide you to where you need to be. Life is suppose to be fun!
What do you think?

Taking a Picture
PS – Was trying to post last night, but my server went down, so that was another thing I wasn’t prepared for, but it’s over now 🙂
