Following Your Dreams, Practicality and Making Others Happy ( questions from a reader )

Jul 22, 2013 by

Buddha Quote 27

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Happy Monday my Sweeties!

Sending all of you lot’s of love and positive energy to fill your week with beauty and light!  This week I have something different for you guys, I had a comment the other day, here on the blog and it was a very interesting set of questions that I would love to answer. I wanted to answer in the comment section at first, but then I decided to make a post about this, because I believe it could help someone else as well. Here is the actual comment, I will go through each question separately and then answer it from my perspective:

My father has been trying to guide me towards a medical career for years. I think I could go for it since I love teeth and helping people, but it’s not really my passion. I’m a huge fan of writing and I must say that your writing is incredible! Your words always come from your heart! I have a few questions:
How does practicality fit with following your dreams? Practicality would dictate that one must choose the path that everyone else is choosing. The path of money, financial security, perks, etc.. But is it possible to completely follow your dreams without following the practical choice? I would love to be a writer, but practically speaking I would struggle for a long time and my books may not sell well to cover my financial needs.

I feel if the premise of financial security were to be abandoned by job seekers, then more people would be happier. Could you completely abandon the flow that society dictates to you? Because society is currently dictating that financial health is more important than following your dreams. High Unemployment, higher taxes, doubts over America’s financial security, increased inflation, and previously lucrative careers slumping are different waves drifting people towards the flow of money such as my father.
I’ve been thinking that perhaps I could go for the medical field and still have time to write. I’ve been thinking about become a dentist since that would allow me for more time to dedicate to writing. That way I could satisfy my dad and myself. But that would take me 6-7 years out of writing.

But like you said, you feel stifled. I’ve never been a fan of following the structures laid down by society. I feel that would be compromising my beliefs in order to satisfy my parents who largely follow the flow. My father’s greatest dream is to see me a doctor. But I would rather see myself as a procrastinating dreamer:)

Thanks for reading all of this! Have a wonderful day!


I’m gonna start with one question at at time.


  • My father has been trying to guide me towards a medical career for years. I think I could go for it since I love teeth and helping people, but it’s not really my passion.


Ask your self a question: Will it make you happy and will it bring you joy to get up each morning and do this career for the rest of your life? If you hesitate to answer, then there is your answer.  Our life, is about finding our joy and do what makes us happy. Don’t try to make others happy, it is their life and this is yours. We are not here to please others, we are the creators of our life, we are here to give rise to things we desire, to tell apart from things we want and things we do not.  This desire has to come from within our selves. In reality we call life, each of us is our own real guide, we have an inner life compass that will always lead us where we need to be, listen to it, and you will always be on the right path.


  • How does practicality fit with following your dreams? Practicality would dictate that one must choose the path that everyone else is choosing. The path of money, financial security, perks, etc.. But is it possible to completely follow your dreams without following the practical choice?  I would love to be a writer, but practically speaking I would struggle for a long time and my books may not sell well to cover my financial needs.


First thing that I would like to say and is what I always say: Each and everyone of our realities is only a production of our own thoughts and beliefs. If you can see it in your mind you WILL hold it in your hands. I’m living this reality every single day of my life, now it has became almost instant, where before I usually had some kid of time delay.
Now, if you take a closer look around at all of the people who are living the life that they only dreamed of before and now it’s their reality, most of them had one thing in common, they believed in them selves when everyone else made fun of them and told them it’s impossible to do what they wish. As you already know, because I talk about it all the time, is that in this Universe, our reality operates by it’s biggest law, The Law Of Attraction. The Universe, cannot tell apart good from bad, it can only see what you focus on the most, therefore what you focus on the most must be what you want.  So, if your belief and your focus revolves around this belief:


“I would love to be a writer, but practically speaking I would struggle for a long time and my books may not sell well to cover my financial needs.”


What you are telling the Universe what to do and what to become, therefore it must appear in your reality to confirm that belief.
Who told you that you would struggle? I think this belief was imposed onto you by someone else who probably struggled because of their own fears and beliefs, which were imposed upon them by someone else as well. So, most society is stuck in a struggle in beliefs that do not serve them in a positive way, it’s like a rat race.


Now, how do you change this?


You begin focusing on your desires, on the actual goals, not on the obstacles around them or what could be or might be. We do not need to know “THE HOW” where’re gonna get there, that is not our job ( because our only job here on earth is to give rise to desires ), our job is to know what it is we desire and FOCUS IS OUR TOOL. If you are able to keep at least 80-90% of your focus on the things you want instead of the things you fear or think might happen, you will be amazed how fast thing will start moving forward for you ( I speak from personal experience and memories of this message I was born with ). It will all look like a coincidence but trust me ( actually trust your self ) , it’s never a coincidence. You will begin meting the right people, things will just start appearing out of nowhere. You will begin to get ideas, inspiration and random events that will just keep looking like an accident, but it’s the Law Of Attraction that I speak of, in action. You become the magnet of everything you focus on.


Since you’ve been living with the old beliefs for so long, it will be weird for you in the beginning when you start changing the pattern of your thoughts. So, start out with something small, something that will be believable enough to your current state of mind, and then slowly you can create bigger and bigger things. Everything is possible, absolutely, the only limits you have are the limits of your own mind. And if someone tries to come between you and your goals, smile and walk away.


  • Could you completely abandon the flow that society dictates to you? Because society is currently dictating that financial health is more important than following your dreams. High Unemployment, higher taxes, doubts over America’s financial security, increased inflation, and previously lucrative careers slumping are different waves drifting people towards the flow of money such as my father.


I really love this quote:

You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; If a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty. ~Gandhi

I believe that society nowadays has created an army of robots, people who control the system don’t want happy people, because happy people are awakened people, they will not obey. Instead they want people who will follow they system without questioning, people who are hard workers who would earn them more money. But, this system is beginning to fail more and more each day, because more and more people are beginning to Wake-Up so to speak and realize what their true existence is, and what life is all about, which is happiness and joy in doing what they love, because they love it not because they have to. But for now, we don’t have to completely abandon the system, some parts of it are beneficial to us. I believe we should become part of in someways and change it from the inside.

I think the most free people are those who work for them selves, such as writers ( hint hint ), artist, or people who have their own business, people who don’t work for big corporations. There is a very awesome book about this called ” Rich Dad Poor Dad “, pretty much it teaches you how to make your money work for you, instead of you working for your money. People who make 96% of the money, know how to make their money work for them, not the other way around.


  • I’ve been thinking that perhaps I could go for the medical field and still have time to write. I’ve been thinking about become a dentist since that would allow me for more time to dedicate to writing. That way I could satisfy my dad and myself. But that would take me 6-7 years out of writing.


If you want to do that because it will make you feel better and more secure in the beginning ( because of your current beliefs ) you can definitely do that, but do that only because of YOUR SELF, but not to please your dad.  The happiness of others doesn’t depend on US, it depends on them. If we live our lives trying to satisfy the dreams our parents have for us then we are not living our life we are living their, which scratches out all purpose of our own existence, we are denying our selves the freedom which we deserve, we are born with this right.


  • But like you said, you feel stifled. I’ve never been a fan of following the structures laid down by society.  I feel that would be compromising my beliefs in order to satisfy my parents who largely follow the flow.  My father’s greatest dream is to see me a doctor. But I would rather see myself as a procrastinating dreamer:)


It’s because you seem to be a part of the new generation, I believe the new generation will break through the old structures and change them, this is why we’ve chosen to be here at this time. Follow your heart, your parents might not approve right away, but if you follow their dreams instead of your own you will resist your own life flow, the one you had planned for your self, and that will make you unhappy, resistance it self will make you struggle, until you get into the flow.  Listen to your inner guidance, believe me it’s not your imagination as most of us like to say, that inner guidance is you, your self from a higher all seeing perspective which will lead you to your dreams.  And who do you think knows you better than you know your self ;)?


Have a wonderful week my Lovies,




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