hCG Diet Insanity

Compliments of Google
Today as I ran into an article on Huffington Post about hCG Diet. When I was reading the first few sentences I thought to my self. This looks crazy, who would ever want to try this? This is what the article said:
” The program, which has dieters consume less than 500 calories per day, is supplemented by “daily shots of a hormone produced by pregnant women called human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG).”
Wow, is it just me or this sounds like crazy pitch? 500 calories a day sounds like a slow suicide. And the hormones produced by pregnant women? I am wondering if you start feeling like a pregnant woman on crack while on this diet.
Some people say it actually works: ( this is one of the comments that I found on Huffington Post about this diet, it was written by Stryker00 )
I have been on the HCG diet since August 20th 2010 — I’ve lost 50 pounds. In the past I have been on the following diets: Atkins (made me sick – too much meat), Weight Watchers (very little results – even though I followed it faithfully), Nutri System (pre-packaged food – bad idea; I lost 11 pounds and it cost me $1100), SouthBeach (good diet – lots of food prep time and expense), etc. The injections curve appetite but that is only part of it. This diet treats obesity like a disease – the HCG and the diet help reset the hypothalamus and it targets trouble areas. I’ve lost over 20″ – mostly from my hips and thighs. I work out and I have been very healthy on this diet. I have been in the medical field for 15 yrs – and I fully support this diet and I am proof it is not dangerous – you do have to have great discipline and self-control for it to truly work. I have also began eating completely organic.
Well, here is my take on it. As I say with every Diet. No matter what the fancy way they are trying to pitch it, Diets Don’t Work!
What does work, is a proper knowledge of Nutrition Facts, as well as common sense and a good exercise regimen. These have been the basics since we were born, no crazy diets can change that. If it worked for some people I am sure it was not for a long term.
The facts are, your body can’t survive on 500 calories a day, unless all you do is sleep. And even then, it still can’t survive on 500 calories a day Your brain cannot survive on 500 calories a day. And if you are not pregnant then why on earth would you want to have your body full of pregnant women’s hormones. I just hope people would realize that before they will be suffering side effects.
What did you think about my post? Have you ever tried a crazy diet?
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