Monday Mingle 11

Sep 17, 2012 by

Meet Me On Monday


Hello My Sweeties,

Happy Monday!!! Welcome to the 11th Edition of Monday Mingle – My favorite number :), number 11 is a very important number, if any of you guys read about numerology you will know what I mean. But anyhow, so happy to have you here again : ).

First things first, my dear Lovies, I want to thank each and everyone of you for your kindness and support. I know that I always say that, but I just can’t thank you enough. Every day I wake up thanking the Universe that had brought all of us together, thank you so much for working out with me and sharing your progress, thank you so much for spreading the word about Loving Fit, you guys are the reason why I do this. I am so happy to share my passion with you, I feel truly blessed – Thank you!


And now… Drum Roll… Today’s Questions:


  • What is your favorite weather?

  • What is your Most Overused Phrase?

  • Glamour or Comfort?

  • Big Night Out or a Movie at Home?

  • What is your favorite inspirational movie?


My Answers:

Q – What is your favorite weather?


Meet Me On Monday


My Answer:

I love the rain, and I love it how it smells on outside while it’s raining :).


Q – What is your most overused phase?


Meet Me On Monday


My Answer:

My most overused phrase is AMAZING!  Cause everything is amazing to me!


Q – Glamour Or Comfort?


Meet Me On Monday


My Answer:

It depends, if I am going out then it’s Glamour all the way, like 8 hours to get ready kind of thing. But the rest of the time I like to be comfortable :).


Q – Big Night Out or a Movie at home?


Meet Me On Monday


My Answer:

Movie at home, I only go out 1-2 a year, I love being home.


Q – What is your favorite inspirational movie?


Meet Me On Monday


My Answer:

Not so long ago I saw a Documentary ” Ballerina” it’s about Russian ballerinas from Bolshoy Theater, wow what a discipline and passion, these women practice for hours and hours a day, they live and breath Ballet. Before I saw this movie I have to admit I didn’t appreciate Ballet very much, but once I saw what’s going on behind the scenes I was like WOW I woke up to a whole new understanding of it – Amazing!

Let’s Mingle My Darlings!




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